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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Learning the History of the Global Warming Debate

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The history of the global warming debate really started in the early nineteen hundreds, when the Industrial Revolution was well underway and scientists began to study the effects of carbon dioxide emissions on the environment. This debate has raged through the years since that time with a recent development that has sparked it anew. The APS (American Physical Society) changing its position and announcing that it now does not believe that human produced carbon dioxide emissions do not have much of an effect on the climate of the earth. This is directly opposed to its previous findings which it claimed where solid which said that carbon dioxide emissions by humans were very harmful and helped in a great way to the greenhouse effect, sparking an APS global warming debate anew.


The history of the global warming debate began in 1904 when a Swedish scientist named Svante Arrhenius began to study the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide that was being produced by human beings. His conclusions at the time where that tif the temperature were to increase due to these emissions it could be good for the environment since it would allow more food to be produced in places that formerly did not have the climate to do so.

The next pl
ace the history of global warming came to the forefront wasfifty hyears later in the 1950s when the scientist Roger Revelle in the USA discovered that the human produced carbon dioxide levels had indeed increased over the time fossil fuels had been used. In 1965 he published the first book in the history of the global warming debate where he wrote his findings on global warming and the troubles that might be caused because of it.

The history of the global warming debate continued in 1977 when Roger Revelle became the chairman of the National Academy Panel which made the finding that about forty percent of the carbon dioxide that is produced by the burning of fossil fuels and also by the clearing of forests remains in the air for about a century before dissipating. Also in 1977, a study called 'Energy and Climate' was conducted in which scientists found that more study needed to be done on the effects of global warming and also that steps needed to be taken to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions while the studies were being done.

In the 1980s, Al Gore who was then a representative in Congress, worked to support Revelle in sparking the first Congressional hearing on the effects of global warming in the history of the global warming debate. Throughout the 1980s studies were done to increase knowledge and awareness of the issue and to begin to take steps to help with it.

poat by www.healtharticles-lk.com

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